papi power + pancita feliz campaigns
the ask
create a culturally relevant campaign for enfamil’s gentlease brand that ties in the entire family but takes the non-traditional spin of making the father the hero of his baby’s digestion issues
the result
a dual campaign “papi power” and “pancita feliz” or “happy tummy” (:15 sec + :06 sec assets) with the overall theme: “The dad that knows, knows.” utilizes original “enfamilia” proprietary music that adds an upbeat social interaction between the family - not stressing but coming together to produce a harmonious solution, led by dad.
Audio, Music, V/O: Chaliwa Music + Sound
Multimedia:, Amazon + Meta
Papi Power :15 secs
Papi Power :06 sec
Pancita Feliz :15 sec
Pancita Feliz :06 sec